Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Of all the things that have happened over the last 10 months, I still cant help but stop to look around and feel extremely blessed.
I have 3 amazing children all different, but all equally important and special in my life. The simple sounds of life remind me to thank GOD. The fact that we are still able to hear our sweet Peyton's contagious laughter is a gift.
To hear our Birdy (Preston) running all over the it may be loud, it is a gift!
To hear our beautiful baby boy Parker blabbing on and again is a gift.
None of us know what tomorrow will bring. Things happen to all of us in this world. Some that we have no control over and others...well sometimes i think it is a test from God to see really how strong you are.
I have often been told that God never gives us things that we cannot handle. And to somewhat i believe that. Sometimes I question how strong he thinks I am (haha).

If I have learned anything through this so far it is to embrace every moment that you are given. Make everyday with the people you love count. Let them know what they mean to you.
I often take for granted how much we need Daddy ( my husband Jason). You see my husband works very hard so I am able to be home with my kiddos. We like life this way. Not only does he work 80+ hours at work in a week, but he comes home and does whatever laundry I was not able to do that day. Sometimes cooks dinner if i haven't been able to start it yet. Goes to the grocery store for me. Takes care of paying all the bills when they are due. All extra things things that can easily be forgotten by me :)
He truly is my rock....

Our Gaga ( my mom)...without her i think life would fall apart ( literally). She is the glue that holds us all together. From her beautiful heart to amazing optimism....She keeps us going.

So today I say reflect on all the amazing things that are Gifts...Children, Sounds, Friend's, Family, LIFE!

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